Let Kids Be Kids Legislative Proposals

5/31/24: CT Mirror Viewports OpEd by Coalition Member

2/9/24: Request for Bills sent to Education Committee

2/14/24: Press Conference Held

2/15/24: Media Coverage

Next Step . . Build momentum for 2025 session





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Contact your legislators using our Action Center. Many people have responded, but we need even more. Please share with friends and neighbors!

Let Kids Be Kids Act

Let Kids Be Kids Bill - to protect children by preventing schools from hiding important information.

Visit letparentsparentct.org for more information about the dangers of keeping the secrets of children with gender dysphoria and more.

See below for more information about a Save Girls Sports legislative proposal.

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Save Girls Sports ACT

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Let’s pass a law

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In the news, latest info

Across America girls sports are being infiltrated by natal males with more natural strength and agility but not more heart. We love our girls sports in Connecticut and need a safe place set aside for our girls to compete and excel, recieve recognition, scholarships and awards without unfair competition.

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CT needs to pass a Save Girls Sports Act

THE CIAC directs schools to permit natal males in girls sports thus puting our girls in danger!

This is unfair. Ask your legislator to support a save girls sports bill today.

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